Year 3, Semester 1; 2021
In order to understand the interconnectivity of spaces within Nash’s cityscape, there are two main questions of thought: what is the role of Nash in the 21st century, and how can modern vernacular and the study of Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion map be used as a vehicle for surveying existing sites?
A series of transient, nomadic modules/units are proposed to facilitate as migratory, temporary ‘gatehouses’ to the city; through understanding Nash’s vernacular in terms of the three main factors of the Dymaxion model; scale, orientation and configuration.
"The Gesture of Erasure" - Methodology film; 'unsolving' and fragmenting the existing cityscape.

The Cartographer's Workstation: all semester 1 methodologies combined into one 'station'.

''Diderot' entablature catalogue; classifying Nash's facades.
'The Pen as a Scalpel'; mapping the movement of the unsolving process, dictating the routes of the surveyor.

The three Dymaxion factors; scale, orientation and chance.

Dymaxion Site Film stills; documenting the three spatial qualities.

MK1: The Cartographer's Module - Fish eye lenses; a tool for dislocating vision.

MK2: The Picturesque's Viewpoint - Grey card model photos @ 1:20

Final isometric of proposed cartography modules surveying a Nash site.